March STAR of the Month

March STAR of the Month

WBM STAR of the Month! Branson has been a part of the WBM STARS program going on three years. What Branson loves the most about West Blvd Ministry is the profound impact of the coaches, who consistently go above and beyond, imparting valuable life lessons. Expressing gratitude is a daily practice for him, marked by saying “Thank you” and employing good manners. Branson is always the first to ask if anyone needs help and the first to help set up or clean up at Gracie’s House. Trust is a pivotal value in Branson’s life, often serving as a gateway to leadership opportunities. Luke 18:27 is one of Branson’s favorite Bible verses, as he has witnessed firsthand that God has turned the impossible into possible in his life. A particularly memorable moment for Branson was walking alongside and lifting up Messiah when he was upset about a football game. West Blvd Ministry has not only transformed Branson’s language and outlook but also played a pivotal role in his mother’s journey to becoming a medic, with the guidance and support of Mr. Bart.

In the school realm, Branson’s favorite subject is math, enjoying the challenge equations present. Soccer stands as his preferred extracurricular activity, embracing the elements of teamwork and competitiveness, with a specific fondness for playing defense. Branson is in his third year of the weekly Reading STARS program that focuses on comprehension and fluency. Overcoming reading challenges involves persistent effort, thoughtful problem-solving, and seeking assistance when needed. His perfect attendance in Reading STARS attest to his desire to exceed grade level expectations in reading fluency.

Within Branson’s family, cherished activities include watching fantasy movies and shows, such as Percy Jackson. His two sisters, aged 13 and 19, mutually support each other by standing up for one another. Branson has big dreams! He wants to help his grandpa in Texas who isn’t feeling well, and he also dreams of becoming an awesome soccer player. When he looks in the mirror, he sees a handsome young man. His future goal is to be a medic and drive an ambulance, just like his mom who has an impactful role in the medical field. Branson is full of dreams and determination! West Blvd Ministry is blessed to have Branson part of our family!

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